Netexplo Change – June 16, 2017
Netexplo organizes for its community its next Netexplo Change event ( on the theme “how digital transforms organizations? “.
In the morning, Netexplo will reveal the “best company of the year for its digital transformation initiatives”.
The afternoon will be dedicated to :
Theme: “Putting hospitality at the heart of the brand: from the logic of sales to the value of conversations”
When: 16 June 2017, 14h00 to 16h00
Where: CCIP, 27, avenue de Friedland, Paris.
- Intervention (20 ‘): Manifesto for the hospitality of the brands: Putting the “Spirit of Service” at the heart of their transformations, by Georges-Edouard Dias, author of the eponymous book and Co-Founder @ Quantstreams
- Panel (40 ‘): When Benevolence leads to Goodwill. Developing the long-term value of brands through hospitality.
- Panel (40 ‘): The new respiration of brands in a digital atmosphere: Human to Human.
- Intervention (20 ‘): Which intimacy tomorrow with the humanoids? The vectors of future hospitality, by Dr. Sophie Lacour, Prospectivist & Creator of Futures, Member of the strategic committee of QuantStreams.
Please mail to, should you be interested to attend.

8th Esprit de Service France agreement in partnership with NETEXPLO – June 29, 2017
The “Esprit de Service France” community ( organizes its annual convention dedicated to the theme of Hospitality and Spirit of Service.
Theme: New Levers of Performance in the Age of Enhanced Mankind.
When: June 29, 2017 – 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Where: CNOSF, 1 avenue de Pierre de Coubertin, Paris.
Program excerpts:
- Human to Human: when the imperative of hospitality revisits the relationship between human and technology in the service of societal development.
- Hospitality, Sport and Tourism: for an Economy of Experience to serve the competitiveness and attractiveness of France.
- From Market to Conversation: when the “Spirit of Service” sustains the performance of organizations facing the challenges of technological change: business case “Failure, Success and ROI of digital transformation for a brand” multi-expert “centenary”.
- For a “Manifesto of the hospitality of the brands: Including the Spirit of Service at the heart of their transformations.