We are living in an age of ‘micromoments’ – the short but precious times when brands get to interact with the consumer. Our challenge as marketers is to maximise the value of each and every one of them.
Micromoments are driven by mobile. Between 50-80% of web traffic or content consumption in our consumer business is now mobile and this has completely changed how we approach key areas of our marketing.
At Philips we know that we can only make these moments matter if we understand where consumers are in the journey and ensure that our message is relevant. It’s not enough to just broadcast your message – you need to be targeting your customers at the points that their interest is piqued.
That’s because mobile has transformed what we used to think of as a linear consumer decision journey. The ‘old’ journey went like this: you wanted something, you did some research, you read a review and then you bought it. Afterwards you wrote your own review and became a loyal customer.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.marketingweek.com
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