We expect blockchain to be able to provide a single source of truth to any given media buy. Currently advertisers, their agencies and the publishers buy ad inventory and incur significant costs with data reconciliation activities. These are due to the sheer number of middle-men as well, as the highly manual approach and number of data sources. This creates complexity, disputes and a feeling of distrust among the network.
Blockchain can help restore confidence in digital ad buying by providing greater transparency for advertisers, making it clear which players are involved in each transaction and how to more seamlessly reconcile data and financials. The solution will keep an immutable record of how media is purchased, delivered and how target audiences interact with the ad in order to provide reliable measurement metrics.
Using IBM Blockchain and designed by IBM iX, the solution will start with basic financial solutions for digital media buying and will lay the foundation for solving multiple problems across the ecosystem.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.brandchannel.com
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