Early this year, the attorneys general of 22 states and the District of Columbia filed a suit attempting to block the Federal Communications Commission’s controversial revesal of Obama era net neutrality regulations.

The old team is back together, filing a brief that asks  the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to reverse the reversal. Together, the AGs represent states totaling 165 million people — more than half of the U.S. population. The list includes a number of populous states, including California, Illinois, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

New York Attorney General General Barbara Underwood is leading the charge. “A free and open internet is critical to New York – and to our democracy,” Underwood writes in the new filing. “As we detail in our brief filed today, the rollback of net neutrality will have a devastating impact on millions of New Yorkers and Americans across the country, putting them at risk of abusive practices while undermining state and local regulation of the broadband industry.”

The Attorneys General are hardly alone on this one. As Reuters notes, Mozilla, Vimeo and Etsy also joined forces today to file a legal challenge, while governors in six states have signed executive orders and three states have passed their own net neutrality laws.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: techcrunch.com