Here are the contributors’ responses to the sentence ‘marketing sciences has taught me…’
– Rory Sutherland

Changing my own mind can be immensely satisfying.
– Byron Sharp

To argue.
– Sue Unerman

Why facts alone won’t win an argument (even though they should)
– Tess Alps

How little science there is in marketing.
– Bob Hoffman

How much marketing is involved in science.
– Mark Ritson

– Mark Earls

How uncertain the science in marketing is. We think we can explain rationally and objectively more than we can. When we further our knowledge into it, we will know more clearly what we won’t ever know.
– Tom Goodwin

The art of scepticism.
– Kate Richardson

That most marketers prefer platitudes over pragmatism.
– Ryan Wallman

It’s easier to win an argument when you have an evidence base.
– Kate Waters

That if you want to improve any aspect of marketing you need to understand how consumers think.
– Phil Graves

To not overthink things and build on what does not change.
– Shann Biglione

A number of different ways to sell the shit out of great creative work!
– Julian Cole

Nothing. I also doubt that any “science” with a Wikipedia entry as short as marketing science’s has much to teach that isn’t about a wannabe field bullshitting itself.
– Doc Searls

In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
– Adam Ferrier

That binary thinking rarely serves me well.
– Rosie Yakob

To maintain an open mind, but keep the bullshit detector running.
– Eaon Pritchard

The importance of defining terms – starting with what we mean by ‘science’.
– Helen Edwards

More in five years than my previous 25 years of marketing practice.
– Phil Barden

Relying on common sense will get you in trouble.
– Robert van Ossenbruggen

Many companies are still leaving a lot of money on the table.
– Wiemer Snijders

To be sceptical but never cynical.
– Patricia McDonald

To question the wisdom of inherited wisdom.
– Tom Fishburne

That what is interesting is not always what is important… and vice versa.
– Brandon Towl

To be cautious of intuition.
– Amy Wilson

That real impact is not just numbers, it is creating actual change – whether that is at local, national or global level – for real humans, not just for brands.
– Anjali Ramachandran

To be experimental.
– Faris Yakob

To get back to basics and not get distracted by the new fangled nonsense.
– Mark Barden

To start with the evidence and look for findings that replicate.
– Gareth Price

That if want to be really good at something, it helps to understand the rules of the game that you are playing. But more than that, that understanding those rules actually allows you to be creative and to enrich things, rather than being limited.
– Jerry Daykin

That the numbers aren’t the end of the story but the start.
– Becky McOwen-Banks

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