The rocket that will launch this weekend will be one of SpaceX’s block 5 boosters. In May, SpaceX launched the first of these souped-up versions of its flagship rocket, the Falcon 9. The block 5’s durability comes from a set of upgrades featuring improved engines, a more sturdy interstage (which connects the first and second stages of the rocket), titanium grid fins, and a more robust thermal protection system, all of which allow it to better withstand the rigors of launch. Musk says that this turbocharged version of the Falcon 9 is engineered to re-fly 10 times or more, with only light refurbishments in between, and up to 100 times before retirement.

SpaceX has produced four of these beefed-up Falcons; three have flown once, while one has two launches under its belt. The one that flew in May launched again 12 weeks later, and is expected to fly again this year. The launch this weekend will refly a different block 5 booster. Designated B1048 by SpaceX, this booster first took to the skies in July, delivering 10 Iridium NEXT communications satellites into orbit.

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