October 31, 2018
In a physical retail environment, packaging continues to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. This is not just from a design or visual standpoint, but also from a desire for more information.
According to a September 2018 survey of 3,000 consumers worldwide conducted by science and technology company Danaher, ingredients were the most important packaging element to health and beauty shoppers, followed by the expiration date. Touch and feel and design features ranked lower. 

Increasingly, shoppers are turning to digital means to find these important attributes. The study found that in the past three months, 19% of internet users took a photo of a product to search for more information, 15% scanned a bar code to learn more about a product, 13% used a code to verify the authenticity of a product, while 7% used an augmented reality (AR) app.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: retail.emarketer.com