A February 2018 survey from Conversocial found that 17% of respondents (85% of whom were located in the US and 15% in the UK) said remaining in the channel where the request was initiated is the most important piece of a good online customer service experience.

Although there are a number of contact methods, these respondents don’t want to be shuffled from channel to channel to solve an issue. If support is requested via social, for example, they don’t want to be told to contact a call center.

Meanwhile, almost four in 10 respondents said the most important aspect of a positive customer service experience is having an issue resolved in a single interaction. When a brand’s support team starts in one channel before moving to another, it could frustrate consumers seeking a fast solution.

It’s worth noting that, as an online customer service platform, Conversocial’s findings may favor digital methods more than traditional interactions.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: retail.emarketer.com