Facebook and Google may be under pressure from media, governments and the public, but based on our latest estimates, advertisers don’t appear to be uncomfortable with the digital duopoly—at least, not enough to stop spending there.

Back in September 2018, we thought the duopoly was already losing share of the US digital ad market, with its portion of revenues set to shrink by 1.5 points to 57.7%. That was based on our forecast that Google’s share of the digital ad market would decline by about 2 points in 2018, while Facebook’s would rise by less than 1 point.

Based on full-year data from both companies and the rest of our analysis of the US ad market, we now estimate that Google’s share dropped less than we anticipated (1.4 points), and Facebook’s share grew more than we predicted (2 points). That adds up to the duopoly accounting for just more than 60% of digital ad spending in the US.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.emarketer.com