The campaign is being supported by a manifesto for change, which identifies a range of factors currently shaping marketing, including the expanding millennial workforce, the impending roll out of 5G internet, the adoption of flexible working, the rise of automation and concerns around fake news.
The manifesto highlights a number of challenges for the government, including the decline in trust between people and institutions, emerging social concerns and the fact communications are becoming more platform focused, with a specific reference to Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google (FAANGs).
Based on this analysis, the government has identified six areas where its marketers need to address change, from data, customer experience and the emerging channels, to digital platforms, issues around trust and creativity.
Co-author of the manifesto Sheila Mitchell, director of marketing at Public Health England, tells Marketing Week that the Year of Marketing campaign comes as a response to the pace of change occurring across the wider marketing discipline.
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