The cryptocurrency community has been watching the aftermath of the recent blockchain bifurcation, which saw the Bitcoin ABC node fork into its own blockchain. The Bitcoin ABC network is still nameless and without branding, and the token is often referred to as either “ABC,” “BCHA,” or “BAB.”

Last week, reported on a stealth miner who has been mining a large number of consecutive empty blocks. Because blocks have been empty for so long, it’s been hard for anyone to send a transaction on the ABC chain and get the transaction confirmed in a timely manner.

It is assumed that the mystery mining pool operator controls 90% of the ABC chain’s hashrate on Saturday, November 28, 2020.
Since our newsdesk’s report, the mystery miner has introduced the group on Twitter under the account name, and through coinbase parameter messages every time the pool finds an ABC block reward. On November 24, 2020, the Twitter account created a message with a blockchain signature in order to verify its legitimacy.

The same day the miner tweeted: “good ideas don’t require force” and the following day the group tweeted a message to other miners pointing hashrate at the ABC chain. said:

I hope all miners agree: we would like 100% of the BCHA coinbase reward to go to pqnqv9lt7e5vjyp0w88zf2af0l92l8rxdgnlxww9j9.

The mystery miner has also taken to Github in order to show that the group is serious about the 100% being sent to the IFP address.
Later on that day, the pool tweeted that “the price of freedom is steep” and also tweeted some screenshots of Bitcoin ABC’s lead developer Amaury Séchet discussing the infrastructure funding plan (IFP).

“ABC violated the (non-aggression principle) NAP with 9 months of civil war,” the Twitter account stressed in another tweet. “Freeriders must pay 100% of the block reward to ABC. We will orphan all blocks that do not. We will pay 100% as well, once ABC merges this change,” the pool added.

In another statement said:

The amount of value that ABC stole from [Bitcoin Cash] pales in comparison to our expenditures. We are a group of old-guard miners and whales. We can do this for years. Next time you fork: use your own genesis block, your own PoW [algorithm], and build your own community. [Bitcoin Cash] is protected.

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