Better Analytics
What really powers all these immersive consumer experiences is great data and the ability to maximize. And while we’re constantly building these skills in-house we’re also acquiring capabilities to accelerate our strategy. Today, we’re announcing that we’ve acquired an exceptional consumer data and analytics firm named Zodiac based in New York, this team of world class data scientists and their proprietary tools will help us deepen relationships with consumers all over the world with a primary focus on our Nike+ members.

Better analytics are also a critical factor in our 2x speed initiative, as we sharpen our consumer sensing we can meet demand faster and deliver more relevant personalized products. We’ve made good product progress with our Express Lane teams especially in EMEA where Express Lane product is accelerating growth in our power franchise. In North America we are increasing our speed of delivery particularly around key cities.

Our focus for fiscal ’19 is to apply those learnings further and onto our biggest volume-drivers around the world. The triple double comes to life through our categories. It’s how we amplify sports biggest moments, connect to our brand emotionally with consumers and drive a complete offense to grow our business.

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