We, that is the aforesaid publishers, platforms and providers, as well as advertisers, have shied away of explaining that it is advertising that keeps the whole system afloat. And we never tell them that in order for us to target our ads effectively we need their data. We need to know who they are, what they are interested in and where they have been.

I have never really understood why we have failed to explain the value exchange: you give us your data, we give you the internet. I would hate to think it is because we are a little embarrassed about advertising. Is it possible that advertising is still regarded as a little grubby? Answers on a postcard please.

Whatever the reason, we have got ourselves into a bad place because now we are faced with growing consumer distrust in the online platforms and a real reluctance to share data. With the implementation of the GDPR just a few weeks away and a new ePrivacy directive being drafted at the EU (and yes it will affect us post-Brexit), we need to forge closer relationships with consumers; greater trust. And in my view we can only really build trust if we have greater levels of transparency.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.marketingweek.com