Monthly Archives: September 2019

Thomas Piketty : « Il est temps de dépasser le capitalisme »

Dans « Capital et Idéologie », l’économiste retrace l’histoire mondiale des inégalités et de leurs justifications. Pour terminer par un programme radical pour brider la concentration de la propriété. Le capital, saison 2. Après le succès mondial du « Capital au XXIe siècle », en 2013, Thomas Piketty publie le 12 septembre un deuxième livre tout aussi ambitieux et volumineux (1 232 pages) sous le titre « Capital et Idéologie » (Seuil).Il y décortique, sur la longue durée, l’organisation des inégalités et, celles-ci n’étant jamais « naturelles », la façon dont elles sont légitimées. Il montre qu’aucune organisation sociale n’est éternelle et qu’il ne faut pas hésiter à en imaginer de nouvelles, où les inégalités pourront être réduites et où le capital cessera d’être concentré dans quelques mains.A l’écouter, la propriété privée doit cesser d’être sacralisée. Dans la dernière partie du livre, il avance des pistes en faveur d’une propriété « sociale » (grâce à la cogestion) et « temporaire » (sous l’effet d’un impôt sur la propriété et une dotation en capital universel). De quoi dessiner un « nouveau socialisme participatif » susceptible d’inspirer la gauche.

By |2019-09-09T22:16:13+00:00September 9th, 2019||0 Comments

Facebook Dating Arrives in the US. Here’s How It Works | WIRED

Facebook Dating lives within the existing Facebook app, but to use it you need to set up a separate profile. The only information carried over is your name and age. The service will present you with potential matches based on your location, indicated preferences, and other factors. You can also choose to match with people who attend the same Facebook events or are part of the same Facebook groups. One thing it won't show you are your existing Facebook friends—that option is turned off by default.Facebook is also using Dating’s US debut to launch several new privacy and security features within the service. And, of course, it’s integrating Instagram into Dating. Which is not surprising since the company has been bringing its platforms closer together in various ways all year.On most dating apps, “people are forced to make a decision off this one profile that never changes and is extremely curated,” says Charmaine Hung, a Dating product manager at Facebook. The social network wants to create a more dynamic and authentic experience. Starting today, users will have the opportunity to feature their permanent Instagram posts in their Dating profiles. By the end of the year, Facebook says it will also allow you to share Instagram or Facebook Stories. They won’t be Dating-specific Stories, but the same ones you already upload for your friends or followers; they will also still erase after 24 hours. The social network isn’t the first to have the idea: Tinder announced it would begin integrating Snapchat Stories in April.Instagram will also become part of Secret Crush, an existing Facebook Dating feature that lets users select up to nine Facebook friends they want to express an interest in—as long as that person indicates they have a crush back. Now your Instagram followers can be Secret Crushes, too—no choosing celebrities or influencers unless they follow you, sorry! If someone adds you to their Secret Crush list, you’ll receive a notification. If you then pick the same person for your list, Facebook will match you together and reveal your names. If the feelings are one-sided, nothing happens.

By |2019-09-06T13:43:53+00:00September 6th, 2019||0 Comments

Why Retailers Need to Pay Attention to TikTok – eMarketer Trends, Forecasts & Statistics

In August, Macy’s teamed up with TikTok influencers for a video challenge that tied in with its “All Brand New” back-to-school ad campaign. Macy’s invited TikTok users to submit their own videos showing off their style. The campaign also included a TV spot and integration into the Snap Originals show, “The Dead Girls Detective Agency,” from NBCUniversal.TikTok has also helped Chipotle Mexican Grill connect with creators for stunts such as its “lid flip” challenge. The restaurant chain partnered with YouTuber David Dobrik to challenge TikTok users to perform their own lid-flipping trick with a Chipotle burrito bowl. The six-day campaign had 104 million video starts and 110,000 submissions, according to a June 2019 CNBC article.

By |2019-09-06T13:43:48+00:00September 6th, 2019||0 Comments

Stéphane Rinderknech is L’Oréal’s next Executive Vice President North America

Chain of command​For Frédéric Rozé, the Rinderknech appointment means a shift of responsibility. Rather than serving as Executive Vice President North America himself, he will now oversee Rinderknech in the role. Rozé is staying on in his larger role with L’Oréal, that of Executive Vice-President of the Americas Zone.

By |2019-09-06T10:02:42+00:00September 6th, 2019||0 Comments