During the bull market of 2017, interest in terms like “bitcoin” and “cryptocurrency” peaked as far as searches are concerned on the Google Trends scale. After December 17, the scale touched 100 for searches for the word “bitcoin” and hasn’t reached that number since. In fact, searches for the term are currently in line with the number of searches in the spring months of 2017.

The week of May 7, 2017, Google Trends touched a 10 and today the scale is hovering at approximately nine. Search trends for “bitcoin” also saw a nine on the scale in November 2013 just after the start of that year’s bull market. During the week of May 2019, searches for the word hit a low of seven but started rising back up again during the months. Data shows that in mid-June people looking up the word “bitcoin” jumped to a high of 26.

The term “bitcoin” has a higher concentration of queries in countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Austria, St. Helena, Netherlands, Slovenia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Australia. Queries closely related this year include “ethereum price,” “Binance,” “IOTA,” and “bitcoin price.” Searches for “bitcoin + news” have a different perspective as interest by region for this subject using Google Trends data over the last five years shows the top countries are Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, and Cyprus. Queries for the term “bitcoin cash” are the top related topic and the number one related query according to Google’s five-year data, which is followed by “ethereum” and “IOTA.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: news.bitcoin.com