At a ceremony today at the European Commission in Brussels, politicians, corporations, and a wide range of blockchain startups signed a charter to create an association whose goal is to promote the regulatory and business reforms needed to boost adoption of distributed ledger technologies.

The International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) grew out of months of forums and roundtables held by the commission to create a strategy around the emerging technology. As the adoption of blockchain continues across a wide range of sectors, the European Commission has made it a priority, studying the potential impact and encouraging it across a number of initiatives.

The INATBA is one such initiative. The official charter was signed today at an event hosted by European Digital Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and Roberto Viola, the EC’s Director General of Communication, Networks, Content, and Technology.

The signees — more than 100 organizations — range from corporate giants such as Anheuser-Busch and Accenture, to some of the most influential distributed ledger startups, such as ConsenSys and Berlin-based IOTA.

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